Jupiter airbrushes are intermix and double action trigger control models and feature a crown needle cap designed to eliminate air turbulence and provide smooth spraying. These models are operated with air of 14 to 70 p.s.i. and are used for spraying watercolors, gouaches, oil colors, thinly reduced acrylics, lacquers, enamels, dyes or inks.

202B Jupiter
Tip size 0.2 mm
1.5 cc (1/20 oz) gravity feed cup
Double action operating
Ideal for fine to medium detail work
203C Jupiter
Tip size 0.3 mm
7 cc (1/4 oz) gravity feed cup
Double action operating


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Fuso Seiki Co., Ltd.

12-17, Honkomagome 6 Chome, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Zip: 113-0021
Phone: +81-3-3947-1334 Fax: +81-3-3947-1319
E-Mail: info@richpen.com